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CuffSentry™ is the first and only device that continuously monitors and maintains desired endotracheal tube cuff pressure without the need for manual intervention.

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Patients that require life support are typically cared for with an artificial airway that incorporates an air-filled cuff. Maintaining an endotracheal cuff pressure greater than 20cmH2O is a Level II American Thoracic Society, Infectious Diseases Society of America and CDC recommended Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) prevention strategy. Underinflation or overinflation is associated with complications ranging from migration of subglottic secretions to tracheal wall damage. Since CuffSentry™ maintains constant cuff pressure it can effectively address these complications.

Key Features

  • CuffSentry™ maintains constant air-filled cuff pressure.
  • Under and over-inflation of air-filled cuffs can be virtually eliminated.
  • Saves clinician time and associated labor costs by eliminating the need for periodic cuff pressure checks - No more need for intermittent manual addition or withdrawal of air from ETT and tracheostomy air-filled cuffs.
  • Cuff pressure maintained at your set pressure. REALTIME CUFF PRESSURE ALWAYS VISIBLE!
  • Works on ANY air-filled artificial airway cuff.
  • MOV (Minimal Occlusive Volume) and other manual methods relieve cuff pressure at every cuff check – this promotes subglottic secretions draining into the lower airway. CuffSentry™ may prevent this from happening as clinician set cuff pressure is constantly maintained 24/7.
  • Cost effective - pays for itself by reducing labor costs and the additional expenses incurred by complications related to underinflation and overinflation.

5 Steps and Done!

  1. Attach CuffSentry™ to flowmeter (O2 or air) and adjust flow to ~1.0 L/M ( .5L/M to 2.0L/M )
  2. Cap or occlude the pressure line
  3. Adjust the pressure relief valve to desired cuff pressure
  4. Attach CuffSentry™ pressure line to ETT or trachesotomy pilot balloon connector
  5. Verify CuffSentry™ and ETT cuff communication by quickly squeezing and releasing pilot ballon while viewing manometer needle jumping up and down.

That's it! The air-filled cuff is now being maintained at your preferred pressure.

CuffSentry™ - Patent pending